“Jordan! Bad Bad Cat! Stop biting me!”

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Fathers day picnic

Posted on Monday Jun 18, 2012

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Words (55)

We had a big picnic to celebrate Fathers Day for my grandfather who is almost 91. Lots of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends all came out for the nice weather and lots of food (yes, we snuck in a vegan cake on them...shhhh). It was great fun to see everyone again after all this time!

Flying through the air

Posted on Monday Jun 18, 2012

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Words (69)

On our way to see the Amish area in Pennsylvania we passed a race track of sorts. The dust caught my attention but the cars flying 8 feet off the tabletop jump made me stop the car. Have you ever seen anything like this? Some of these drivers were quite good considering they have to steer from platform and the cars twist and turn and jump in all different directions.

Washington DC

Posted on Monday Jun 18, 2012

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What trip to Maryland would be complete without a stop at the Capitol? We've been there before the 9/11 rules went into place and toured the inner workings in detail. This time we stuck to looking at things from the outside for the most part and saw parks and monuments we've never seen before. We saw the MLK memorial, the FDR memorial, the White House, the Congress (the house was in session--note the flag flying over the house side of congress), several of the statues (Grant, etc.) along with a quick tour of the Smithsonian Vistor's Center. Did you know that Mr. James Smithsonian was English and never once set foot in America? He gave his entire estate to the US valued at $500,000 or 1/66 of the US budget at the time. Quite a legacy he started.

Cape May New Jersey

Posted on Monday Jun 18, 2012

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Words (40)

We spent a few great days in Cape May.  An old sea town where wealthy eastcoast businessmen and successful sea captains built fancy homes with their new found wealth.  It's a town full of history and beautiful beaches.

Baltimore Sailabration

Posted on Monday Jun 18, 2012

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Words (47)

Here's a slide show of the Sailabration!  We got a chance to tour ships from all the countries that we have sailed: Indonesia, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, USA. It was quite a show down at the harbour and tons of people came out to see the boats.