An Incomplete List of Friends' Websites
Batwing Carina Con Te Partiro H Desiderata H Effie Felicity H Guava Jelly H Icarian |
H Leonidas Moondancer X Nakia Reiver H Rhythmic Breeze H Rikki-Tikki-Tavi |
Secret o'Life
H Solmate H Tao Min H Willow Wyndeaver H Yohelah |
This page is mostly to help us keep track of other sailors. Periodically I remember to add people to this page, but often I am too busy doing other things to the website. Putting them on this page helps us remember their site and look them up to see what they are doing. The H symbols are for those who have moved back on to land. If the link is missing then they've removed their website.