“If the waves are good for surfing the anchorage is terrible for sleeping.”

Fireboat Alki

Oct 25, 2003
We had an event at Gas Works Park Marina and the fire boat fired up all it's water cannons just for our benefit.
Fireboat Alki

Amazing elephant tree

May 27, 2005
Plant life in the desert can be as exotic as in the tropics. This tree lives on the outskirts of Puerto Escondido.
Amazing elephant tree


Aug 15, 2003
We captured some wolves on film at Fifer Island in Canada.

Market Day

Apr 10, 2007
A typical day out shopping.
Market Day

Deep Green

Aug 5, 2001
We'll miss the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest.
Deep Green

Floaty Time

Jun 21, 2005
This is the cruiser's conference room. Great ideas form, information
is traded and the world trembles.
Floaty Time

Mexican puppy

May 16, 2005
We've met many healthy happy dogs along the trip, a nice change from "old" Mexico.
Mexican puppy

Two Cranes

Nov 30, 1999
It took two cranes to haul our boat in a hydraulic dance of death. Fortunately it all turned out well.

Two Cranes

The Bridge

Sep 8, 2004
Sailing under the San Francisco Bridge was a huge milestone!
The Bridge

Massive Cleft

Feb 8, 2000
Great rock formations in islands of Thailand.

Can you see me?
Massive Cleft

Dall's Porpoise

Sep 5, 2003
They look like mini-orcas and they love to swim off the bow of our boat!
Dall's Porpoise


Sep 6, 2003
Lots of Orcas to be found in Johnstone Strait!


Tropical Rain

Feb 19, 2005
Trying to stay dry during a storm in Mazatlan!
Tropical Rain

Quilotoa Crater

Jun 05, 2008
This crater is up in the Ecuadorean Andes. It took 9 photos to make this panorama.

Quilotoa Crater

Hot Tub

Jun 5, 2003
The hot tub at Eucott Bay made this place heaven.
Hot Tub

James Bond Island

Feb 8, 2000
As featured in some old Bond movie filmed near Phuket Thailand
James Bond Island

Eucott Bay

Jun 5, 2003
Anchored in our favorite spot in all of Canada.
Eucott Bay

Nicaraguan Sunset

Jan 4, 2010
I probably take too many sunset photos.

Nicaraguan Sunset

Birthday Work

Oct 29, 2005
Nothing like slaving on a boat for your b-day.

Birthday Work


Nov 6, 1999
Massive buddah on an island in Hong Kong.

Popping Manta Rays

May 13, 2005
In the Sea of Cortez large rays fly out of the water and belly flop with a smack to show other rays how cool they are.
Popping Manta Rays

Top of the world

Aug 28, 2005
On top of the volcano on Isla Coranado (3,000+ feet).
Top of the world

Hong Kong

Nov 7, 1999
Great view from the top of the hill.
Hong Kong


Dec 28, 2000
Mother with baby in a rehabilitation habitat in Borneo.


Bits of an Iceberg

July 3, 2003
Tracy Arm was full of ice bergs, we put this bit in our ice box.

Bits of an Iceberg

Mount Baker

Jul 5, 2001
Sailing in the Northwest sometimes provides amazing views, like of Mt. Baker.greatly loved by his new family.
Mount Baker

Space Needle

Dec 27, 1999
You can also sail under the shadow of the Space Needle and the downtown buildings.
Space Needle


Jun 14, 2005
Over 5500 years ago these deer and hand prints were made by the extinct Indians of Baja.


Oct 26, 2000
Hiking through Bhutan -- unbelievable.

Papagayos Blowing

Sep 3, 2010
An average day with another 35 knots off the shore.

Papagayos Blowing

Agua Verde

May 18, 2005
A beautiful anchorage that was a great place to rest, hike and swim.
Agua Verde


May 30, 2003


Langkawi Beach

Nov 26, 1999
The islands in Langkawi were spectacular!
Langkawi Beach

Liz Surfing

May 16, 2007
Catching some good waves in Central America.
Liz Surfing

Hauled out again

Jun 2, 2007
We had to build our own jackstands for this remote boatyard!
Hauled out again

Sky High Sherrell

Dec 28, 2003
Sherrell, who is terrified of heights, has become accustomed to doing our mast work.
Sky High Sherrell

Feed ME!

Jun 16, 2005
Curious cat fish kept inspecting our toes. They even went after onions!
Feed ME!


Feb 8, 2000
Emerging in the center of an island in Phang Nga Thailand.

Eric's Oasis

May 27, 2005
Deep in this arroyo is a quiet pond, a lonely palm tree and some very large boulders.
Eric's Oasis

God of Pruth Bay

Jun 3, 2003
This carving is famous amoung those who travel the waters to Alaska.

God of Pruth Bay

Taman Negara Hide

Aug 8, 1999
You can camp out in one of the hides setup in the jungle for spotting animals.
Taman Negara Hide

Foggy Bay Sunset

Aug 3, 2003
Incredible colors of an Alaskan sunset around 11pm.

Foggy Bay Sunset

Rincon Costa Rica

Sept 28, 2009
A beautiful little cove.

Rincon Costa Rica

Thai Buddah

Sep 26, 1999
I love our buddah photo from Koh Samui, Thailand.

Thai Buddah


Nov 30, 1999
(courtesy LOON III)
Climbing through the boulders in one of the deep canyons in Puerto


Sarana in Matanchen Bay

May 5, 2006
Sailing Mexico.

Sarana in Matanchen Bay


Jul 5, 2003
Icebergs make for bad sailing companions, but great rides for birds.

Surf's Up

Jan 30, 2005
Some things come late in life. Eric turns into a grom!
Surf's Up

Bottle Nose Dolphin

May 17, 2005
They like to swim off the bow of our boat and chirp loudly.
Bottle Nose Dolphin

Oh Mangos!

Apr 3, 2007
I think I ate about 4 mangos a day in El Savaldor. They were picked right off the tree.
Oh Mangos!

Winter in Seattle

Jan 6, 2004
The snow can sometimes be heavy even on Lake Union in downtown Seattle. This is why we are heading South!
Winter in Seattle

Sea Caves!

Jun 27, 2005
I looked, but no treasure. There were lots of caves and caverns at Los Arcos, and it's a snorkeling heaven!
Sea Caves!

Yanmar 3YM30

Feb 27, 2004
Finishing the installation of our new engine!
Yanmar 3YM30

Sailing Baja Mexico

Sep 5, 2005
Day sailing during hurricane season? It's only possible in the protected waters of the Sea of Coretz. We're even towing the dinghy, how rare is that?

Sailing Baja Mexico


February 20 2009
This sloth lives right near the anchorage in Panama City.


Fish Ball

Jun 12, 2005
There's lots of sea life! Fish, turtles, crustaceans and coral in Conception Bay.
Fish Ball

Colombian Gorgona Island

Nov 16, 2008
The pacific coast of Colombia was jungle packed and beautiful. It even had its own version of the Galapagos with endemic species of plants and animals.

Colombian Gorgona Island

Dug-Out Canoe

Mar 30, 2007
These kids paddled by our boat every day with big grins.
Dug-Out Canoe

Tioman Island

May 20, 2000
Swimming with turtles was a brilliant.
Tioman Island


Sep 7, 2004
A junk-rigged boat underway--looking good.

Mazatlan Cathedral

Jan 10, 2005
It was like a small piece of Europe right in Mexico. The Catholic Church was spectacular.
Mazatlan Cathedral

Isla Coranado

Jun 1, 2005
It's even more beautiful than the picture. See our boat anchored out there?
Isla Coranado

Classic Machu Picchu

September 03 2010
The scale of the ruins and their location is mind blowing.

Classic Machu Picchu

Banos In Ecuador

Sep 03, 2008
A tourist trap of a town located beneath an active volcano offers hotsprings, hiking, biking and lots of good food.

Banos In Ecuador

Kota Kinabalu

Dec 26, 2000
Finding warmth at 13,300 feet in Borneo.
Kota Kinabalu

The Great Wall

Oct 16, 1999
It stretches beyond your imagination.
The Great Wall

River Monitor Lizards

Aug 7, 1999
They're huge and everywhere.
River Monitor Lizards

Laidback Jordan Cat

May 25, 2008
She always knows how to relax.

Laidback Jordan Cat

Old Poker

Jun 14, 2005
Ancient cactus. This cactus near Mulege is over 700 years old. It will outlive all of us.
Old Poker

Anchored in SJdS

Dec 29, 2009
More surfers, more tourists, but still just as cool.

Anchored in SJdS

Hot Springs

May 20, 2005
It seems a little nuts to be in 90 degree Baja weather and soak in a saltwater hot springs, but we did, and liked it.
Hot Springs

Raja Muda Regatta

Nov 25, 1999
Racing in Malaysia was a blast!
Raja Muda Regatta

English Tea

Apr 21, 2000
The Boh Tea plantation in Malaysia -- yum.
English Tea

Beach Day in 40knots

Sep 10, 2005
Bored from being cooped up on the boat for days in high winds we decided to go to the beach and just anchor the umbrella in place.
Beach Day in 40knots


Jun 14, 2005
About 4000 years ago someone scratched out a coyote.

Alaska Sunset

Aug 5, 2003
Sometime around midnight you'll find some spectacular summer sunsets like this one in Foggy Bay, AK.
Alaska Sunset

Taman Negara

Aug 6, 1999
Older than the Amazon Rainforest, this is a true jewel in Malaysia.
Taman Negara


Aug 11, 2002
This is our crazy orange cat for whom we had to find a new home. He's too clumsy to have survived living on the boat with us, but he is greatly loved by his new family.

San Juan del Sur

May 16, 2007
Our boats at anchor in San Juan del Sur and the pretty beach.
San Juan del Sur