“How does the wind know to always stay on our bow?”

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More destruction and stuff

Posted on Wednesday Aug 8, 2007

Photos (1)

Words (235)

Well, I took the rudder off the boat along with the assocated parts. Then I took my $250 worth of new metal to make some nice new pins to the house. When I sat down with the parts I found out to my horror the new metal is the wrong size. So now I can't lathe a larger pin. There's no way to get this metal down here, so I've been waylaid again.

On the plus side, we took a 8 hour bus trip to Puntarenas, Costa Rica for a mad search for more boat supplies and Science Diet cat food. Luck was finally with me as the little hotel we picked out from the guidebook was not more than 2 blocks from everything we needed to buy. And we found just about everything I've been searching for! We came back into Nicaragua with 40 pounds of cat food and about 50 pounds of boat crap.

So the slow yard work continues. I've fiberglassed the bow fitting back in and gel-coated it. Now I just need to repair the outside, and decide what to do about the rudder. Of course there are tons of other things that need to be done and only about 2 more months to do it!

One thing that's cool about the yard is there are lots of geckos who hang out and eat the bugs on our boat. Now we have our own personal bug repellants.