“I would kill for some Indian food.”

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Barra, Visitors and Slog Readers

Posted on Wednesday Dec 6, 2006

Words (251)

Our friends on Tara and Willow arrived a couple of days ago. They managed to sail all the way into the estuary. Unfortunatly we haven't really had much opportunty to spend much time with them because our plans and schedules never seem to match up. They are already getting ready to head further south, so maybe we'll catch up with them later in the year.

I've been impatiently waiting for the surf to come up in Barra, but there seems to be no signs of life. It's a strange wave that only appears during low tide and it's pretty mushy. In the meantime we've been entertaining Sheila on the boat. She's enjoying all the bird life and being immersed in nature, because we're surrounded by it on all sides in this lagoon. And there are only 5 other boats here right now. During the height of the season they'll pack in 50 to 80 boats. We'll move on before
the crowds get that big.

We also want to say thanks to all the people who write us and tell us that we've helped inspire them. It's a surprise to us because we're just out here doing our thing wondering if anyone really reads this stuff as it seems our friends and family often don't find time to check out our Slog. So it's great to know that people are enjoying our experiences vicariously and are poised to set out to make some of their own! It's great hearing from all of you!

Just keep sailing!