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Back in Mazatlan, Again

Posted on Wednesday May 17, 2006

Words (262)

The 130nm leg was a bit of a bummer.  We only were able to sail for about 30 miles, and we beat into it the whole way.  At least we got to sail.  Normally it is a difficult direction along this coast to sail, so Sherrell keeps reminding me that 30 miles of sailing was more than she expected.  Anyway the wind was dead calm most of the night, but the seas were rolly and bumpy.


It took us about 25 hours to get here, which was really quite fast.  We had to wait for the dredge to stop working so we could enter the channel and since it’s only open for 20 minutes, there was a pile up of boats coming out.  To top it off, there were some occasional HUGE waves that were breaking across the entire entrance.   If that wasn’t a challenge enough, we had a 4 boat pile up once we got inside the breakwater.  I had to slam the boat into reverse and turn hard to avoid the chaos from the various boats that weren’t paying any attention.  It was a good thing it happened to us instead of our friends that went in front of us -- because of our small size we were able to maneuver through the mess of boats (not without a bit of a heart attack) without hitting anything.


Anyway we’re here now and tucked in with lots of fresh water and power.  Now to catch-up on some lost sleep!