“Good news: I found a new starting battery. Bad news: it's called a 'Gohner'.”

Stories with Photos

This page is an overview of random stories some short and some long. They are usually filled with photos, shocking surprises, intrigue and ironic endings. Ok, well at least there are photos.

Currently showing the story "Cancer Changes Everything". Click here if you want to see the full list of stories available.

Cancer Changes Everything

Wednesday Nov 30, 2005

Words (349)

The title says it all.

What Happened?

Our last blog story left off with the Sea of Cortez in the summer.  It's been a long time since we've written anything other than some Daily Slog updates.  If you've been following our Slog, then you can skip this little update.

We left Bay of LA in November for San Carlos, where we hauled out our boat for a week to do some work on it.  Sherrell celebrated her birthday and we talked with everyone about our plans for Central America.

Excited to get "South" this year, we busted our butts in the boat yard, and did the 400+ mile leg from San Carlos to Mazatlan for a "quick stop" before continuing to see Southern Mexico then Central America.  This is where our plans fell apart.

Sherrell was diagnosed with breast cancer in Mazatlan and our plans came to a Full Stop.  We practically became residents of Guadalajara with excellent medical facilities, great doctors and realistic pricing (as opposed to US health care costs).  It took us about 4 months of surgeries and treatments before we could get back to enjoying our lives again.

The prognosis is very good and now we're able to do some traveling with some routine checkups.  During all this time, we missed the Mexican cruising season and our weather window for going to Central America.

Hurricane season is approaching again, so we were only able to see about 300 miles of mainland Mexico south of Mazatlan, before turning around to "Run Like Scared Chickens" from the hurricanes for another season in the Sea of Cortez in 2006.

We will get to see some old friends again up in the Sea and we really enjoyed ourselves there last year, so we'll do it again then try for Central America next season.  So look to see some more stories about Mexico and Sea of Cortez coming soon!

PS. Life got in the way and due to more complications we stayed the summer in Mazatlan instead of going back to the Sea of Cortez.