Explore Central America Part 1
Take the mystery out of cruising Central America and get the latest information on anchorages, services, towns and weather. This original material can not be found in other guide books. We spent over 4 years cruising and collecting information for our books. The GPS waypoints are tried and tested not only by us but also by most of the sailors passing through Central America since 2007 when we published our first edition.
Included are over 75 unique GPS waypoints, as well as 45 city maps, charts and images. Important weather information about coastal weather, hurricanes, Tehuantepecers, Papagayos, and typical southern Mexican weather is provided. In addition, are strategies for crossing the dreaded Tehuantepec and tips for using SSB Email to make your own forecasts for your area using GRIB, Spot, Buoyweather, Shore buoys, and NOAA -- information that is hard to find elsewhere. Current entry and exit procedures are explained for all four countries reducing confusion, and speeding up the process. And, for off-boat related activities, there is even information on surf locations, as well as places to tour by land! Read a sample excerpt from Part 1.
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Weather for Tehuantepec, Clearing Papers in and out of Mexico, Puerto Chiapas and crossing the Tehuantepec. Tour suggestions and places for provisioning.
Clearing papers, Puerto Quetzal, tourist destinations, weather information
El Salvador
Clearing papers, weather, many surf locations, Puerto Acajutla, La Libertad, Bahia del Sol, Barrillas Marina, Golfo de Fonseca, Punta Amapala, Isla Conchaguita, Isla Meanguera, La Union. Two Haul out locations and tourist destinations.
Clearing papers, El Tigre Island, Puerto Henecan, San Lorenzo.
Clearing papers, many surf locations, places to hike and tour. Anchorages like Monypenny, Puesta del Sol, Puerto Corinto, Puerto Sandino, El Transito, Masachapa, El Astillero, Pie del Gigante, San Juan del Sur, and about 2 dozen small beach anchorages. Also shopping information, haul out options, and hiking options.