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Sea Within a Sea

Posted on Thursday Jun 9, 2005

Words (190)

Bay of Conception is a cool spot that is well protected from all wind directions.  The coolest part is there are several little islands and lots of beaches to check out.  The water is an amazing 82 degrees and there’s lots of fish life in the water.  There aren’t many boats here now, but we’ve heard that a large crowd of boats (20 to 30) gather here for 4th of July.


From our informal count of boats heading to Bay of Los Angeles for the summer we estimate about 20 boats will be spending the summer up there.  A little bigger crowd than we had hoped for, but the place is big and I’m sure we’ll find lots of places to ourselves.


We made some tortillas yesterday and today we are going to check out Coyote Island and Santa Barbara Beach before heading to another little anchorage here.  This place is so compact that in a good hour you can do a full tour.  It’s pretty cool to be in such a large bay, but full of things to see.