“Sherrell, this isn't a hike. It's a death march.”

Our Slog (Ships Log) with a Satelite View

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Out of the dusty marina

Sometimes trying to leave is harder than actually leaving. Things break, engines die, fuel filters get clogged. Well this time none of that happened but it was still tough to leave.

The dredge decided to tie off for the night. So they ran a rope across our channel way to the other side of the marina. In effect they had trapped us. We walked down there and called out to them that we wanted to leave. "No. It's closed!" was their answer. Great, how hard is it to move some floating rope out of the way? After some back and forth they decided they would "open" it for us. Great! We'll be back with the boat.

We squeaked out around their equipment and pilings for our long voyage to Bahia Santa Cruz (0.3 miles away). Although we were ready to leave, the boat isn't quite ready. There's the bottom to clean, the top to clean, the sides to clean, the insides to clean. Where did all this dust come from I wonder. We also have to test out a few systems that are kind of important like the sails. We just couldn't bring ourselves to raise them in the dust filled marina.

Ah but now we are back on anchor! The cat is free to roam the decks! And the water and air are clear again!