Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.

You can find the original general forecast text here: https://meteo.pf/fr

**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE ****
**** bulletin from the forecast short deadline ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the tuesday 23 april 2024 at/in 05H local. **
** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid until wednesday 24 april 2024 to evening and night next **
** islands underneath the wind **
tuesday and wednesday, the sun east good this. of developments cloudy are however expected on the relief afterwards-mid and can trigger of showers isolated.
wind variable low from sector east dominant.
sea slight. swell short easterly-south-east D'1 MÈTRE/1 meter 50 cross at/in a swell long from south-south-west from even ORDRE.
tuesday and wednesday, the sun predominates. however, of clouds SE developed on the relief at/in the mid-day and can cause/bring related showers. these latest overflow on the coasts south and the peninsula afterwards-mid.
wind variable low from sector north dominant.
temperatures extreme planned : 24 and 31 degrees celsius.
sea slight. swell short easterly-south-east D'1 meter 50 cross at/in a swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50.
tuesday and wednesday, of thunderstorms isolated continue/continued to interest/to involve the north of TUAMOTU, interesting especially the regions from RANGIROA, MANIHI, ANAA, MAKEMO and NAPUKA. elsewhere, the sun predominates, related small drops being all from even expected to GAMBIER tuesday, extending towards TUREIA and REAO wednesday.
wind moderate easterly at/in north-east. gusts at/in 50 km/hr, or 60/70 underneath squalls.
sea moderate, or rough to GAMBIER. swell short easterly at/in south-east D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters, affecting until 2 meters 50/3 meters on the south-east TUAMOTU-GAMBIER. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50.
tuesday, the time east dry and sunny on the group north, while only south, the passages cloudy are more numerous and can to bring related drops. wednesday, the trend is reversed/inverts/be reversed, with the arrival from numerous clouds holders showers on the group north, so only south, the sky cleared and the rain SE make/shall/form rare.
wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in north-east. tips at/in 50/60 km/hr.
sea slight at/in moderate. swell short from south-east D'1 meter 50. gentle (f3) swell long from south-south-west.
tuesday, the sun SE generalize, it east however finely/fine veiled at/in RAPA. wednesday, the veiled thickens and extends to he is from north.
to north, wind low easterly at/in north-east, coming to sector south low at/in moderate for wednesday. to RAPA, wind low at/in moderate from north at/in north-west tuesday, easing more wednesday.
sea slight at/in moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50 cross at/in a swell short from sector east D'1 meter 50 to north and 2 meters at/in RAPA.
**** bulletin from the forecast for the next days  ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the monday 22 april 2024 at/in 17H local. **
** forecasts for the next days valid from thursday 25 april to saturday 27 april 2024 **
** islands underneath the wind **
thursday, the sun MARQUE her presence EN morning but, to flow from afterwards-mid, it must compose with related passages cloudy holders from low showers, the risk stormy is not excluded.  friday, the time east more unstable air with of passages showers more marked, persons sometimes from squalls stormy. saturday, return from conditions more sunny with however related showers afterwards-mid on the coasts south.
VENT  moderate from south-east thursday, becoming enough fort friday and saturday with of gusts affecting the 60/70 km/hr.
sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west all around D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters.
thursday, the time east sunny with of developments cloudy on the relief at/in the mid-day. these last cause related showers who spread out towards the coastline/coast/coastal west, south and east. friday and saturday, the sky east generally cloudy with of passages rainy on the relief and the coasts exposed/set out/outlined, between/among PAEA and HITIAA.
wind moderate from south-east thursday, becoming enough fort friday and saturday with of accerleration coastal may give the 60/70 km/hr.
sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west all around D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters.
from thursday at/in saturday, the sun east majority this on the archipelagos/archipelagic/archipelagoes, excepted the regions going from TAKAROA at/in PUKA PUKA or a time disturbed persists with of showers and squalls sometimes stormy. related showers and squalls locally stormy are also expected friday on the south-east TUAMOTU and the GAMBIER.
wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in north-east, thursday and friday, establishing itself saturday to south-east enough fort with of gusts may give the 60/70 or 80 km/hr.
sea moderate becoming locally rough saturday. swell long from south-south-west, D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters 50, cross at/in a swell short from south-east all around D'1 meter 50, can give of trough 3 meters from south TUAMOTU to GAMBIER.
from thursday at/in saturday, the time east unstable air, rhythmical by/through of passages showers sometimes stormy, interrupted however/nevertheless/nonetheless from periods thinning.
wind moderate from sector east with of gusts at/in 60 km/hr underneath squalls.
sea moderate. swell short from south-east all around D'1 meter 50.
from thursday at/in saturday, sky little cloudy at/in temporarily cloudy, sometimes veiled by/through of clouds altitude.
to north, wind moderate at/in locally enough fort from south-east with gusts at/in 60/70 km/hr.  to RAPA, wind moderate from south, coming saturday to south-east EN strengthening at night with of gusts possible at/in 80 km/hr in the BAIE D'AHUREI.
sea moderate at/in rough. swell long from south-south-west from 2 meter 50 at/in 3 meters 50.

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