Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.

You can find the original general forecast text here: https://meteo.pf/fr

**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE ****
**** bulletin from the forecast short deadline ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the monday 18 november 2024 at/in 04H45 local. **
** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid until tuesday 19 november 2024 to evening and night next **
** islands underneath the wind **
monday, the sky east sunny the morning on the RAROMATAI and MOPELIA, becoming cloudy or very cloudy current/during from day accompanied showers. these latest persist/continue/remain in the air stream from the night. 
tuesday, clouds and showers lose/are losing/lost from field/ground/land to benefit/profit/advantage from broad cloudy at/in the mid day. then, a large sun be imposed for the rest from the day.
wind moderate easterly at/in east-south-east predominate. gusts at/in 50/60 km/hr.
sea moderate at/in rough. swell and sea from wind from sector south-east SE dual for give of trough from 3 meters at/in 3 meters 50 to large. gentle (f3) swell long from sector north from less D'1 meter.
monday, after a morning good sunny, the clouds accumulate/build up/accrue towards the mid day on the relief, from PAPARA at/in the peninsula until HITIA'A and they are at/in origin from in brief showers and can overflow afterwards-mid from PAEA at/in ARUE and towards MOOREA. 
tuesday, the even scenario/script/screenplay SE replicated with a morning sunny followed of after-mid more cloudy with related rain on the coasts south, from PAPARA at/in PAPEARI until the peninsula.
wind moderate easterly at/in east-south-east. gusts at/in 50/60 km/hr.
temperatures extreme planned : 23 and 30 degrees celsius.
sea moderate at/in rough. swell and sea from wind from sector south-east SE dual for give of trough from 3 meters at/in 3 meters 50 to large. gentle (f3) swell long from sector north from less D'1 meter.
monday, a axis cloudy and unstable air affected the south and the west TUAMOTU, it cause related showers or of squalls stormy near from TEMATANGI and MORUROA. tuesday, the risk stormy extends until HAO and REAO, while than from beautiful cloudy gain(win) the west TUAMOTU from HEREHERETUE at/in NUKUTEPIPI. 
on the rest of TUAMOTU, the sky east little at/in temporarily cloudy with from small showers isolated these two next days. return of frank/franc/honest sun tuesday on NAPUKA and PUKA PUKA. 
to GAMBIER, a veiled cloudy thickens monday EN air stream from morning announcement the arrival of showers in afterwards-mid with a risk stormy at night. 
tuesday, the time rest rainy on archipelago.
towards HEREHERETUE and NUKUTUPIPI, wind moderate from south-east monday and from south tuesday. 
from ANAA at/in MATAIVA, wind moderate easterly-south-east monday then from south-east tuesday. 
towards TEMATANGI, MORUROA and TUREIA, wind low at/in moderate from north-east monday and from north tuesday. 
elsewhere, wind moderate easterly at/in east-north-east, it fired tuesday to north-east from PUKA PUKA at/in REAO and RIKITEA.
sea moderate, locally rough in the south. to south, from HEREHERETUE at/in MANGAREVA, swell from sector south and sea from wind following of trough all around from 3M monday and all around from 2M50 tuesday. elsewhere, swell from south D'1M50/2M, APPROCHANT the 2M50 tuesday from ANAA at/in MAKATEA. to north, swell short easterly D'1M50 and swell long from sector north D'1M.
monday and tuesday, a time dry and sunny predominates on archipelago. related clouds low are coming sometimes mask/hide/conceal the rays from sun and cause/bring related drops.
wind moderate from sector east with of gusts may give 50/60 km/hr.
sea moderate. swell short easterly D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50. swell long from north D'1 meter monday, D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50 tuesday. swell long from south D'1 meter.
monday and tuesday, time strong (f6) and dry on archipelago underneath a sky temporarily cloudy to north and cloudy at/in very cloudy at/in RAPA.
wind easterly-south-east at/in south-east fort or TRÉS fort at/in RAPA. the gusts reach(affect,achieve) monday the 60 at/in 70 kph towards RIMATARA and RURUTU and 70 at/in 80 kph near from TUBUAI and RAIVAVAE, they exceed/go beyond the 90 kph in the BAIE from AHUREI at/in RAPA.
sea rough or very rough at/in RAPA tuesday. ascendancy a sea from wind from sector south-east giving of trough from 3 meters 50 at/in 4 meters, APPROCHANT the 4 meters 50 at/in RAPA tuesday.
**** bulletin from the forecast for the next days  ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the sunday 17 november 2024 at/in 16H local. **
** forecasts for the next days valid from wednesday 20 november to friday 22 november 2024 **
** islands underneath the wind **
from wednesday at/in friday, the sun dominated, good than related clouds PUISSENT temporarily VOILER the sky to south of he is.
wind moderate easterly-south-east, coming at/in the east friday. the accerleration coastal can locally give 50/60 km/hr.
sea moderate. swell from south-east, from 2 meters at/in 2 meters 50, weakening friday at/in 1 meter 50.
from wednesday at/in friday, the sun rest widely this, dispite the passage/passageway PONCTUEL from related clouds on the relief, the coasts south and east.
wind moderate easterly-south-east, coming at/in the east friday. accerleration coastal at/in 50/60 km/hr.
sea moderate. swell from south-east, from 2 meters at/in 2 meters 50, weakening friday at/in 1 meter 50.
wednesday, a time PLUVIO-stormy moves on the south-east TUAMOTU and the GAMBIER, underneath the influence/the impact/the effect a QUEUE from disturbed weather extending from north-west at/in the east of TUAMOTU, or the episodes stormy are more spaced. thursday, this time persists, but the sun begin at/in RÉAPPARAÎTRE towards MORUROA. friday, the passages PLUVIO-stormy SE focus/concentrated/concentrate along of axis going from RANGIROA at/in ANAA, HAO and MANGAREVA. other, a time globally clement/merciful/lenient SE keeps on the rest of atolls.
on the south-east TUAMOTU and GAMBIER, wind low at/in moderate from north-west wednesday, strengthening to north with of gusts underneath squalls at/in 60/70 km. it weakened thursday to north-east, then coming friday east-north-east low at/in moderate.  elsewhere, sector east, low at/in moderate, coming wednesday to south towards HEREHERETUE.
sea moderate. swell long from south, from 1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters increasing at/in 2 meters 50 on the south. she east cross on the edge east of TUAMOTU and GAMBIER at/in a swell short easterly from 1 meter at/in 1 meter 50.  presence to north,  wednesday and thursday, a swell long from north D'1 meter about.
from wednesday at/in friday, the sun rest at/in honor dispite the passage/passageway from clouds arising in tradewind.
wind moderate easterly, coming east-north-east friday.
sea moderate. swell long from south and from north approximately 1 meter wednesday. she east relayed at/in go from thursday by/through a swell short easterly D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50.
from wednesday at/in friday, the east sky little at/in temporarily cloudy, double sometimes of veiled from cirrus.
wind enough FORT  from south-east wednesday with of gusts at/in 60/70 km/hr. it weakened thursday before from come to sector east low at/in moderate.
sea rough wednesday at/in moderate thursday and friday. swell from south-east DE  2 meter 50, combined at/in the sea from wind, POUVANT  generate of trough DE  3 meters at/in 3 meters 50.  this swell weakens thursday at/in 1 meter 50. arrival friday a new swell from south-west, D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50.

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