Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.
You can find the original general forecast text here: https://meteo.pf/fr
**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE **** **** bulletin from the forecast short deadline **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES by/through weather report-france the friday 28 march 2025 to 04H45 local. ** ** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid from friday 28 march 2025 morning to sunday 30 march 2025 morning. ** ** islands underneath the wind ** day from friday 28 march 2025 and night from friday 28 to saturday 29. friday, morning LUMINEUSE from MAUPITI at/in HUAHINE before the arrival from clouds low for afterwards-mid. the INGRÉDIENTS FAVORABLES at/in a thunderstorm remain present, and a in brief gale (f8) thunder can resound on the relief. on MOPELIA, the time east at/in the thunderstorm friday morning before a lull expected at the beginning after-mid. night from friday starry. wind low at/in moderate easterly, coming at/in the east-south-east moderate friday evening. gusts at/in 50/60 km/hr by/through effects/effect CÔTIERS or underneath squalls. sea moderate. HOULES long from south-south-west and from north-north-west from the order D'1 meter each. temperatures extreme: MOPELIA : 25 and 31 degrees celsius. MAUPITI/BORA-BORA/RAIATEA/TAHAA : 25 and 31 degrees celsius. day from saturday 29 march 2025 and night from saturday 29 to sunday 30. saturday, the sun rest member of the majority party with just man related passages cloudy at/in the mid-day.EN revenge, of clouds holders showers gain(win) EN end from evening. they are sometimes double of squall stormy. wind moderate from sector east. gusts at/in 50 km/hr. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west from 1 meter, cross at/in a gentle (f3) swell long from north-west. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** day from friday 28 march 2025 and night from friday 28 to saturday 29. friday, of clouds low circulate up air stream from morning, resulting very promptly from small showers. the sun resumes then the above, before to be from new played up in afterwards-mid with related prolonged or heavy showers overflowing from relief towards the coastline/coast/coastal west from TAHITI. middle from night next, from news(short stories) showers are expected on the east from TAHITI, between/among PAPENOO, HITIA'A and the peninsula with sometimes a gale (f8) thunder. wind moderate easterly coming at/in the east-south-east friday evening. gusts at/in 50/60 km/hr by/through effects/effect CÔTIERS or underneath squalls. sea moderate. HOULES long from south-south-west and from north-north-west from the order D'1 meter each. temperatures extreme: TAHITI : 24 and 31 degrees celsius. MOOREA : 24 and 31 degrees celsius. day from saturday 29 march 2025 and night from saturday 29 to sunday 30. saturday, the sun east from exit. it must however compose with of clouds SE developing on the relief at/in the mid-day. these last following a wavy or two on the relief and the coast(rib) west, from PAEA at/in FAAA, and towards HITIA, FAAONE, PAPEARII and MATAIA. wind moderate from sector east at/in south-east. accerleration coastal at/in 50 km/hr. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west from 1 meter, cross at/in a gentle (f3) swell long from north-west. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** day from friday 28 march 2025 and night from friday 28 to saturday 29. of cells PLUVIO-stormy isolated ÉVOLUENT on the north of TUAMOTU then of next VINGT-QUATRE hours. they are more susceptible from touch the regions from MATAIVA, RANGIROA, APATAKI at/in the west, while that in the east, they SE grow towards spin and FAKAHINA this morning before from to win PUKA-PUKA mid-day. the risk stormy rest this on the atolls from north the night next.to south from this area, the time east more clement/merciful/lenient at/in except from related showers from side from MANGAREVA. wind moderate from sector east on the atolls from north, and easterly-south-east at/in south-east from center to south TUAMOTU and to GAMBIER. gusts at/in 60 km/hr underneath squalls. sea moderate, locally rough from south-east TUAMOTU to GAMBIER. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter 50 on the quarter south-east TUAMOTU-GAMBIER and 1 meter elsewhere. she east cross at/in a swell short from south-east D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters on the regions from south, and at/in a swell long from north-west D'1 meter on the atolls from north. temperatures extreme: north TUAMOTU : 27 and 31 degrees celsius. center TUAMOTU : 27 and 30 degrees celsius. GAMBIER : 24 and 28 degrees celsius. day from saturday 29 march 2025 and night from saturday 29 to sunday 30. saturday, of clouds holders showers isolated circulate from north-east to north-west TUAMOTU. they are sometimes double from squall stormy, in the night from saturday at/in sunday. elsewhere, the sky east temporarily cloudy, and from rare prolonged or heavy showers touching the center and the west of TUAMOTU, this night. wind moderate from sector east on the north of TUAMOTU, and from sector south-east elsewhere. gusts at/in 50 km/hr, or 70 on the GAMBIER. sea moderate. swell long from south D'1 meter 50, from south TUAMOTU to GAMBIER, and 1 meter at/in 1 meter 50 , elsewhere. ** MARQUISES ** day from friday 28 march 2025 and night from friday 28 to saturday 29. sky charge and possible showers friday morning. however, the risk wears off/is fading/becomes blurred quickly and a sky finely/fine veiled moves then until saturday morning. wind moderate from sector east with of tips at/in 50 km/hr, easing friday after-mid. sea moderate. HOULES long from south-south-west and from north-west from the order D'1 meter each. temperatures extreme: MARQUISES north : 25 and 31 degrees celsius. MARQUISES south: 25 and 31 degrees celsius. day from saturday 29 march 2025 and night from saturday 29 to sunday 30. saturday, the sky east sometimes cloudy. of showers and squalls isolated are possible in the night with a risk stormy, EN end from night, on the south. wind low at/in moderate from sector east. sea slight. small HOULES long from north-west and from south. ** AUSTRALES ** day from friday 28 march 2025 and night from friday 28 to saturday 29. friday, the sun rest widely predominate on archipelago. related passages cloudy could/might/potential however invite itself from side from RAPA EN end from day and evening. friday, wind moderate from sector east on the north from archipelago, low at/in moderate from north-east at/in RAPA. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter 50. temperatures extreme: north AUSTRALES : 23 and 28 degrees celsius. RAPA : 21 and 26 degrees celsius. day from saturday 29 march 2025 and night from saturday 29 to sunday 30. saturday, time sunny sometimes occult by/through of passages cloudy. wind moderate from sector east on the north, and from north-east low at/in RAPA. sea moderate on the north, and little AGIRÉE towards RAPA. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter. **** bulletin from the forecast for the next days **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES by/through weather report-france the friday 28 march 2025 to 04H45 local. ** ** valid at/in go from sunday 30 march 2025 ** ** islands underneath the wind ** sunday 30 march 2025 sunday, the sky east little cloudy wind moderate from sector east. sea slight. swell long from south from 1 meter, cross at/in a swell short from south-east 1M. monday 31 march 2025 time good sunny. wind from sector east moderate. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter, and gentle (f3) swell long from north. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** sunday 30 march 2025 sunday, the sun keep the bent broad. wind moderate from sector east. accerleration coastal at/in 50 km/hr. sea slight at/in moderate. swell long from south from 1 meter, cross at/in a swell short from south-east 1M. monday 31 march 2025 monday, time good sunny. wind easterly moderate, gusts at/in 50/60 KILOMÈTRE hour. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter cross at/in a swell short from south-east D'1M50, and gentle (f3) swell long from north. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** sunday 30 march 2025 sunday, of showers and squalls isolated circulate on the north of TUAMOTU, at the beginning from morning, and towards MARUTEA south, the day. elsewhere, the sky east temporarily cloudy. wind moderate easterly coming south-east on the east and south-east TUAMOTU, and to GAMBIER, north-east, gusts at/in 50/60 km/hr. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter, cross at/in a swell short from south-east from 1 meter 50. monday 31 march 2025 the sun predominates on the 2 archipelagos/archipelagic/archipelagoes. however from rare passages of showers interest the the north of TUAMOTU. to GAMBIER, wind low from north-east. on the south TUAMOTU, wind low from south-east at/in east. elsewhere, wind moderate from sector east, gusts at/in 50 km/hr. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter, cross at/in a swell short from south-east from 1 meter at/in 1 meter 50. gentle (f3) swell long from north. ** MARQUISES ** sunday 30 march 2025 sunday, sky temporarily cloudy. wind moderate easterly. sea slight at/in moderate. HOULES long from south 1 meter, and from north from less D'1 meter. monday 31 march 2025 the sun be imposed for the day. however, of passages showers and from squalls stormy could/might/potential touch the he is from north, afterwards-mid. wind from sector east moderate, gusts 60/70 KILOMÈTRE hour. sea slight at/in locally moderate. swell long from north from 1 meter. ** AUSTRALES ** sunday 30 march 2025 sunday, sky temporarily cloudy. wind from sector east, moderate, on the north, and low towards RAPA. sea moderate, swell long from south-south-west, D'1 meter cross at/in a swell short easterly D'1 meter. monday 31 march 2025 monday, sky little at/in temporarily cloudy on archipelago. wind from sector east moderate on the north, and low towards RAPA. sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter 50 at/in RAPA, and D'1 meter on the north, cross at/in a swell short easterly D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50. 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