Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.
You can find the original general forecast text here: https://meteo.pf/fr
**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE **** **** bulletin from the forecast short deadline **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES the monday 14 october 2024 at/in 05H local. ** ** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid until tuesday 15 october 2024 to evening and night next ** VIGILANCE MÉTÉOROLOGIQUE current/during: CONSULTER the PAGE VIGILANCE from SITE weather.PF. ** islands underneath the wind ** the sun keep the hand monday. related passages cloudy however to appointment-you, but in the whole discrete/discreet. can-be a little less discrete/discreet in the night from monday at/in tuesday with a or two prolonged or heavy showers possible until small morning. tuesday, the sun continues predominate. wind low at/in moderate from from sector south the two days. sea moderate. swell from south-south-east from 2 meters 50 weakening at/in 2 meters monday, then 1 meter 50 tuesday. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** monday, the day looks good sunny on the major part from coastline/coast/coastal, SUBSISTENT however related prolonged or heavy showers up middle from day between/among TAUTIRA and HITIA'A. the day from tuesday passes by also underneath a large sun. wind moderate from south becoming gradually to south-west monday EN day, then to sector west tuesday. temperatures extreme planned : 23 and 30 degrees celsius. sea moderate. swell from south-south-east from 2 meters 50 weakening at/in 2 meters monday, then 1 meter 50 tuesday. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** a time disturbed SE keeps this beginning from week on a large part of TUAMOTU and GAMBIER. showers, squalls stormy and periods of calm/of quiet/of relative calm alternate until tuesday between/among MAKEMO, HAO, REAO, MORUROA and MANGAREVA. to note than the risk stormy POURRA promptly interest the region from NUKUTEPIPI monday EN day, and TAKAROA monday evening. towards RANGIROA : wind moderate from sector west dominant. elsewhere, wind moderate at/in enough fort from north-west at/in north on the half west, and from north at/in north-east on the half east. underneath squalls, the gusts reach(affect,achieve) 60 at/in 70 km/hr. sea moderate. from MATAIVA at/in RANGIROA, MAKATEA, ANAA, HEREHERETUE, TEMATANGI, MORUROA and MANGAREVA : ascendancy a swell short from south-east D'1 meter 50 weakening tuesday. on the rest of TUAMOTU : ascendancy a swell short easterly D'1 meter 50. ** MARQUISES ** beginning from week SE DÉROULANT underneath a time dry and sunny. wind moderate easterly at/in east-north-east. gusts at/in 50 km/hr. sea moderate. swell long residual from south cross at/in a swell short easterly D'1 meter 50. ** AUSTRALES ** on the north AUSTRALES : the clouds are relatively/relative numerous. rather harmless/safe/innocuous from RURUTU at/in RIMATARA, they are at/in origin from related episodes rainy on RAIVAVAE. tuesday, a large sun predominates on the region. to RAPA : time windy/breezy/drafty underneath a sky charge and a gentle (f3) rain persistent. the rain gain(win) EN frequency/rate EN second part from night and monday. tuesday, these precipitation will can SE TRANSFORMER EN showers stormy before the return of cloudy EN end from day or evening. to north : wind moderate at/in enough fort from sector south-east with gusts at/in 60/70 km/hr, veering to sector south-west EN easing tuesday. to RAPA : wind from sector east enough fort at/in fort with of gusts at/in 100 km/hr, outdated occasionally the 110 in the BAIE. reduction relative/concerning from wind expected at/in go from monday evening. sea rough. swell and sea from wind from sector east at/in RAPA and from south-east on the north AUSTRALES. the two SE dual for give of trough from 4 meters, then 3 meters monday towards the mid-day, and 2 meters 50 for tuesday. **** bulletin from the forecast for the next days **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES the sunday 13 october 2024 at/in 16H local. ** ** forecasts for the next days valid from wednesday 16 october to friday 18 october 2024 ** ** islands underneath the wind ** time good sunny, wednesday. alternating/alternation from passages cloudy and thinning, thursday and friday, with of rain FAIBLES in the night from from thursday at/in friday. wind from south-east at/in east low , becoming moderate, friday. sea slight . swell from south-east from 1 meter weakening, thursday. swell long from south-south-west from 1M. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** wednesday, time good sunny. thursday, the sun east to appointment you but the clouds SE grow on the relief or they following three drops. friday, the clouds shift on the relief, the coasts south and the PRESQUÎLE with of rain low who overflow sometimes towards PAEA and PUNAAIA. wind variable low, wednesday, coming to sector east, thursday, then east at/in south-east moderate, friday. sea slight . swell from south-east from 1 meter weakening, thursday. swell long from south-south-west from 1M. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** wednesday, showers and squalls stormy touching the east and south-east TUAMOTU and GAMBIER. of showers touching also the half north of TUAMOTU. to south, the sky east sometimes veiled. thursday, the sky cloudy at/in temporarily very cloudy on the regions north, east, and south-east TUAMOTU-GAMBIER with of showers isolated except to GAMBIER, EN morning, sometimes doubled/dubbed/linered from squalls stormy. the sun dominated on the west, the center and the south TUAMOTU. friday, the sun predominates dispite from rare prolonged or heavy showers from north to center. on the north of TUAMOTU, wind of east low becoming moderate, friday. on the south-east TUAMOTU and GAMBIER, wind from north moderate coming at/in go from thursday, north-east. from ANAA, at/in MAKEMO, HAO, and REAO, wind low from north-west at/in north-east, coming thursday, east, low at/in moderate. on the south TUAMOTU, wind low from north-west at/in north coming thursday evening, north-east, then friday, south-east. gusts underneath squalls at/in 60KM/H on the half east of TUAMOTU-GAMBIER. sea moderate to GAMBIER, wednesday, and on the north of TUAMOTU, friday, and slight elsewhere. swell long from south-south-west D'1M increasing thursday, at/in 1M50 or 2M to GAMBIER, then friday, weakening À 1M/1M50. swell short easterly D'1M/1M50, wednesday. gentle (f3) swell long from north, thursday, increasing ,friday, at/in 1M. ** MARQUISES ** from wednesday at/in friday. sky temporarily cloudy. wind moderate easterly. accerleration coastal at/in 50 km/hr at/in go from thursday. sea moderate. swell short easterly D'1M50 cross, thursday, at/in a swell long from north from 1M50, and friday at/in a swell long from south D'1M. ** AUSTRALES ** on the he is from north, alternating/alternation from passages cloudy and thinning, from wednesday at/in friday. to RAPA, sky often cloudy becoming very cloudy at/in overcast, friday, to passage/passageway of FROND cold/warm front bringing related showers and squalls. on the north from archipelago, wind from south at/in south-west, low at/in moderate, coming, thursday, north-west at/in west low before from switch at night, south-west at/in south, then friday, south at/in south-east low. to RAPA, wind moderate from north-west at/in west switching , friday, south-west at/in south moderate, gusts underneath squalls at/in 80KM/H, friday. sea moderate.swell long from south-west from 1M50 at/in RAPA, increasing friday, at/in 2M. on the north from archipelago, this swell achieved 1M, wednesday and thursday, and if amplified, friday, at/in 1M50 at/in 2M. 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