Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.
You can find the original general forecast text here: https://meteo.pf/fr
**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE **** **** bulletin from the forecast short deadline **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES the sunday 12 january 2025 at/in 05H15 local. ** ** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid until monday 13 january 2025 to evening and night next ** VIGILANCE MÉTÉOROLOGIQUE current/during: CONSULTER the PAGE VIGILANCE from SITE weather.PF. ** islands underneath the wind ** until monday evening, the grey/greyness/drabness persists with of episodes showers stormy sometimes from rough intensity/strength/current, follow-ups from time at/in other by/through related periods of calm/of quiet/of relative calm. wind west-north-west, moderate sunday, at/in enough fort monday, with of gusts all around from 60/70 km/hr underneath squalls. sea rough. swell and sea from wind confused from sector west giving of trough from 2 meters 50 at/in 3 meters or 3 meters 50 locally. swell long from north-west D'1 meter 50. new swell long from south-south-west D'1 MÈTRE/1 meter 50 sunday, increasing until 2 meters monday. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** until monday evening, the sky rest very cloudy at/in overcast. the episodes showers and from squalls stormy SE successor and are this afternoon(sometimes) interrupted by/through related periods lulls. the accumulations from rain can be locally important/significant/major, EN particular on the area urban/city, the coasts north and west so than on the landforms from TAHITI and from MOOREA. wind west-north-west, moderate sunday, at/in enough fort monday, with of gusts all around from 60/70 km/hr underneath squalls. temperatures extreme planned : 22 and 30 degrees celsius. sea moderate at/in rough. swell and sea from wind confused from sector west giving of trough from 2 meters 50 at/in 3 meters. swell long from north-west D'1 meter 50. new swell long from south-south-west D'1 MÈTRE/1 meter 50 sunday, increasing until 2 meters monday. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** sunday, the time rest grey on the TUAMOTU and the north of GAMBIER with of showers locally strong, doubled/dubbed/linered from squalls stormy traveling EN sea. of accumulations from rain important/significant/major are expected between/among FAKARAVA, MAKEMO and HAO. the cloudy persist/continue/remain towards RIKITEA. monday, this time disturbed SE generalize on the 2 archipelagos/archipelagic/archipelagoes. the only ones the regions from PUKA-PUKA, NAPUKA and REAO are significantly/clearly/much less watered(sprayed). sunday, wind variable low on the south TUAMOTU-GAMBIER. on the rest of TUAMOTU, wind moderate at/in enough fort west at/in north-west sunday, extending until GAMBIER monday. gusts until 80 km/hr. sea moderate at/in locally rough. to north of TUAMOTU, swell long from north-west D'1 meter 50, locally strengthened/enhanced/reinforced by/through a sea from wind from north-west may give 2 MÈTRES/2 meters 50 or until 3 meters 50 on the east TUAMOTU. to south, swell long from south west, cross at/in a swell short from south-east D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50 each. ** MARQUISES ** sunday, time sunny underneath a sky veiled. monday, the sun must compose with more from passages from clouds low and high. wind moderate, from sector north sunday, from north-east monday. sea moderate. swell long from north-west D'1 meter 50, weakening slightly monday. ** AUSTRALES ** on the he is from north, the time rest disturbed sunday morning. the passages showers persistent/continuing/continued underneath a sky charge. sunday EN day, of cloudy are expected, but alternate again with related passages from clouds low, at/in origin showers. the cloudy become more broad monday. to RAPA, sky little at/in temporarily cloudy the two next days. towards RIMATARA and RURUTU : wind moderate at/in enough fort from north-west. gusts at/in 70/80 km/hr. towards TUBUAI and RAIVAVAE : wind moderate from sector east. to RAPA, wind low at/in moderate from sector east sunday, strengthening slightly monday. sea rough. swell west-north-west, cross at/in a swell long from south-south-west giving of heights may give the 4 meters on the southern west. on the southern center and RAPA, ascendancy a swell long from south-west all around from 2 meters, cross at/in a swell long north-west D'1 meter sunday, increasing at/in 1 meter 50 monday. **** bulletin from the forecast for the next days **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES the saturday 11 january 2025 at/in 17H15 local. ** ** forecasts for the next days valid from tuesday 14 january to thursday 16 january 2025 ** ** islands underneath the wind ** tuesday and wednesday, persistence/continuing/persistent of time heavy, grey and wet, at/in origin from numerous episodes rainy or from squalls, interrupted from periods of calm/of quiet/of relative calm. UNE improvement good QU'INCERTAINE east expected wednesday, she SE pursues(continues) thursday ; the grey/greyness/drabness SE split and the precipitation are fading gradually. wind moderate at/in enough fort west at/in north-west, with of gusts from 60/70 km/hr underneath squalls. it becomes again moderate wednesday. sea rough reverting moderate wednesday. swell from south-west and sea from wind SE CROISENT for give of trough from 2 meters 50 at/in 3 meters tuesday, then 2 meters wednesday. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** the time grey and gloomy persists from tuesday at/in wednesday, rotate between/among from frequent episodes rainy, often intense/intensive/extensive, and of periods of calm/of quiet/of relative calm. the accumulations from precipitation can be locally important/significant/major, especially on the relief, the coasts west and north. sensitive/responsive improvement provided wednesday after-mid, she SE pursues(continues) thursday with of showers EN back. wind moderate at/in enough fort from north-west reverting moderate wednesday and thursday. gusts at/in 60/70 km/hr underneath squalls. sea rough reverting moderate wednesday. swell from south-west and sea from wind SE CROISENT for give of trough from 2 meters 50 at/in 3 meters tuesday, then 2 meters wednesday. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** tuesday and wednesday, a time PLUVIO-unstable air SE keeps from north-west to center and south-east TUAMOTU//GAMBIER, producing by/through places/locations/areas important accumulations, especially from FAKARAVA at/in ANAA/MAKEMO and HAO. a gale (f8) thunder is not excluded ÇÀ and the. thursday, a improvement SE draw, the clouds SE MORCELANT. the atolls from NAPUKA/PUKA PUKA /FAKAHINA and those from NUKUTEPUPI and TEMATANGI are relatively/relative spared/saved by/through this axis disturbed ; we Y waits a sky more luminous. wind moderate at/in enough fort from north-west reverting gradually moderate wednesday, gusts at/in 70/80 km/hr underneath squalls. on the north-east TUAMOTU and from HEREHERETUE at/in TEMATANGI, it rest globally moderate the three days. sea moderate at/in rough. swell long from north-west D'1 meter to north. swell from south-west from south to center, cross at/in a swell short from south-east and at/in the sea from wind. they following of trough from 3 meters tuesday, 2 meters only wednesday. ** MARQUISES ** from tuesday at/in thursday, the sun keep the hand, played up all to more by/through related cumulus little presses arising in tradewind. wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in north-east. sea slight at/in moderate. swell long from north-west of meter, weakening. ** AUSTRALES ** on the group north, sky cloudy tuesday rather from RIMATARA at/in TUBUAI with related showers, the clouds gain(win) TUBUAI and RAIVAVAE wednesday. improvement more frank/honest/open thursday. to RAPA, the sun keep the hand before the arrival of time disturbed thursday. wind moderate easterly at/in north-east from TUBUAI at/in RAIVAVAE and RAPA. elsewhere, wind low at/in moderate west at/in north-west, easing wednesday. sea rough becoming moderate. HOULES from south-west, from south-east and sea from wind following of trough from 2 meters 50 tuesday, then 2 meters wednesday. Broken English provided for free by Eric from http://svsarana.com Contact me through my website if you locate severe errors. Please include the section of original text for debugging.