Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.

You can find tomorrow's overview text here: https://meteo.pf/fr/demain

**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE ****
**** bulletin from the forecast short deadline ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the wednesday 24 april 2024 at/in 05H local. **
** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid until thursday 25 april 2024 to evening and night next **

** islands underneath the wind **
wednesday, the sun east good this. of developments cloudy are however expected on the relief afterwards-mid and can trigger of showers. small risk stormy at night towards MOPELIA. thursday, the SCENARIO rest significantly the even.
wind variable low from sector north dominant wednesday, establishing itself at/in the east low at/in moderate for thursday.
sea slight. swell short easterly-south-east all around D'1 meter cross at/in a swell long from south-south-west approximately 1 meter also.
wednesday, the sun predominates, however, of clouds sprinkle the coastline/coast/coastal east between/among MAHINA and the peninsula the morning, before from come interest the coast(rib) west, from PAEA at/in MATAEIA, afterwards-mid. thursday, the sun predominates but the usual/regular/normal clouds SE grow on the relief at/in the mid-day, then overflow towards the coastline/coast/coastal EN resulting related showers afterwards-mid. these latest will can turn at/in the thunderstorm in the night from thursday at/in friday.
wind low from sector north dominant wednesday. it change to sector east low at/in moderate thursday.
temperatures extreme planned : 25 and 31 degrees celsius.
sea slight. swell short easterly-south-east cross at/in a swell long from south-south-west D'1 MÈTRE/1 meter 50 all two.
wednesday, of thunderstorms isolated continue/continued to interest/to involve the north of TUAMOTU EN general, and the regions from MANIHI, FAKARAVA, ANAA, MAKEMO and NAPUKA EN particular. elsewhere, the sun predominates, related small drops being all from even expected towards HEREHERETUE, RIKITEA and TUREIA. thursday, the showers stormy interest significantly the MÊMES areas, with a trend at/in to win towards RANGIROA.
wind low at/in moderate from sector east at/in north-east. gusts at/in 50 km/hr, or 60 underneath squalls.
sea slight at/in moderate. swell short easterly at/in south-east D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters, or near from 2 meters 50 on the GAMBIER wednesday. swell long from south-south-west approximately 1 meter.
of clouds arrive/come/happen on archipelago current/during from day, bringing related showers. that-ic PRENDRONT a character stormy, EN first place/location on the group north, towards the end from day or the beginning from evening. thursday, the risk stormy SE fact more DIFFUS but rest at/in the order from day.
wind low at/in moderate from north-east wednesday, then sector east thursday. gusts at/in 50 km/hr, or 60 underneath squalls.
sea slight at/in moderate. swell short from south-east D'1 meter 50. gentle (f3) swell long from south-south-west.
wednesday, a veiled altitude thickens and extends on all archipelago. related clouds low circulate on the he is dropping related drops, especially towards RIMATARA and RURUTU or a gale (f8) thunder east possible, EN particular at night. thursday, the risk stormy SE specify for TUBUAI and RAIVAVAE, and the veiled cloudy S'AFFINE at/in RAPA.
to north, wind from sector east low at/in moderate wednesday, coming to south-east moderate by/of here/from here the evening, and strengthening again for thursday with of tips at/in 60 km/hr. to RAPA, wind variable low from sector north dominant, switching to sector south moderate thursday.
sea becoming moderate by/of here/from here thursday. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50 cross at/in a swell short from sector east all around D'1 meter 50. arrival thursday a new swell long from south-west increasing at/in 2 MÈTRES/2 meters 50, then 3 meters at night.
**** bulletin from the forecast for the next days  ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the tuesday 23 april 2024 at/in 16H15 local. **
** forecasts for the next days valid from friday 26 april to sunday 28 april 2024 **
** islands underneath the wind **
friday, the sky east temporarily cloudy, with of showers possible from side from MOPELIA. saturday at/in sunday, the periods D'ENSOLEILLEMENTS and the passages cloudy SE follow dispite related prolonged or heavy showers on the relief and the coasts south of he is.
VENT  enough fort from south-east, with of gusts at/in 60-70 km/hr.
sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters, cross at/in a swell from south-east D'1 meter 50 sunday.
friday, the sky east often cloudy, with of showers isolated may SE produce on the relief, the coast(rib) east and by/through misbehaviour on the coast(rib) south. saturday and sunday, the sun MARQUE her presence. however of developments cloudy current/during from day on the relief can trigger of showers on the heights, the coasts east and south, so that in the peninsula.
VENT  enough fort from south-east, with of gusts at/in 60-70 km/hr.
sea moderate. swell long from south-south-west D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters, cross at/in a swell from south-east D'1 meter 50 sunday.
friday, of clouds, holders showers can interest the regions from RANGIROA at/in NAPUKA, KAUKURA, MAKEMO, FAAITE, ANAA, HEREHERETUE, NENGO-NENGO, HAO, MARUTEA south, in association with sometimes from squalls stormy. saturday, of showers or squalls are lying about again at/in the limit from north of TUAMOTU, so only south of TUAMOTU/GAMBIER. sunday, the precipitation are EN clear(net) back and the cloudy appear/arise gradually on these MÊMES regions. other, the time east more calm elsewhere.
wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in south-east, strengthening on the facade/front west saturday, with of gusts may give the 60/70 km/hr, or the 80 km/hr.
sea moderate becoming locally rough. swell long from south-west, D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters, increasing at/in 2 meters 50, or 3 meters from the west to south TUAMOTU/GAMBIER the week-end.
from friday at/in saturday, time grey and unstable air, accompanied showers or from squalls sometimes stormy or of accumulations can be important/significant/major. sunday, from shy persons cloudy make/shall/form their occurrence/appearance/emergence before the return of precipitation EN end from night on the group north.
wind low at/in moderate from sector east. gusts at/in 60 km/hr underneath squalls.
sea moderate. swell from south-east D'1 meter, cross at/in a swell short easterly D'1 meter 50 saturday.
friday at/in sunday, the sun continues this. it east sometimes thames by/through a veiled altitude or MASQUÉ by/through related clouds low without precipitation significant/notable/substantial.
to north, wind enough fort from south-east at/in east with of gusts at/in 60/70 km/hr.  to RAPA, wind moderate from south at/in south-east, with of gusts at/in 70 km/hr.
sea moderate at/in rough. swell long from south-south-west all around from 2 meter 50, or promptly 3 meters at/in 3 meter 50.

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