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You can find tomorrow's overview text here: https://meteo.pf/fr/demain
**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE **** **** bulletin from the forecast short deadline **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES by/through weather report-france the friday 21 february 2025 to 05H local. ** ** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid from friday 21 february 2025 morning to sunday 23 february 2025 morning. ** ** islands underneath the wind ** day from friday 21 february 2025 and night from friday 21 to saturday 22. so than from small showers give rhythm the day from friday towards MOPELIA, the time looks more calm on the rest of islands-underneath-wind : the veiled altitude VISIBLE the morning SE dissipates/dissipate to benefit/profit/advantage of sun more large afterwards mid. S'EN follows a night from friday starry between/among HUAHINE and MAUPITI while than of showers touching again MOPELIA at the beginning from evening. wind moderate from north-east with of gusts at/in 50 km/hr. sea moderate. HOULES long from north-west and from south D'1 meter each cross at/in a swell short west D'1 meter also. temperatures extreme: MOPELIA : 26 and 31 degrees celsius. MAUPITI/BORA-BORA/RAIATEA/TAHAA : 26 and 31 degrees celsius. day from saturday 22 february 2025 and night from saturday 22 to sunday 23. saturday, sky little at/in temporarily cloudy. these showers SE keep towards MOPELIA lasting the night before from SE dissipate/dispel/allay for the day from saturday. on the other he is, the sky rest congested. wind moderate easterly-north-east at/in east. wind low at/in moderate, from north-east. sea slight. swell long from north-west from 1 meter. sea slight at/in moderate. swell long from south, 1 meter cross with a swell short west, 1M, increasing. swell long from north-west D'1M/1M50. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** day from friday 21 february 2025 and night from friday 21 to saturday 22. the day from friday looks hot underneath a sky all to more veiled in the morning. the related clouds from relief PEINENT at/in let/leave/allow escape/evade a downpour. S'EN follows a night from friday calm and starry. wind moderate from north-east with of gusts at/in 50 km/hr. sea slight at/in moderate. swell long from south, cross with a swell short west D'1 meter each. presence also a swell long from north-west D'1 meter. temperatures extreme: TAHITI : 25 and 32 degrees celsius. MOOREA : 25 and 32 degrees celsius. day from saturday 22 february 2025 and night from saturday 22 to sunday 23. saturday, time sunny with of clouds on the relief EN mid-day. the sky rest little cloudy lasting the night from friday at/in saturday morning, then the sun east occult EN day by/through the usual/regular/normal clouds from relief dropping from rare prolonged or heavy showers. wind low at/in moderate from sector east. wind from north-east, low at/in moderate. sea slight. swell long from north-west from 1M/1M50, cross at/in a swell west, from 1 meter. sea slight. swell from south, 1 meter cross with a swell short west, 1M. swell long from north-west, 1M/1M50. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** day from friday 21 february 2025 and night from friday 21 to saturday 22. friday, of cells PLUVIO-stormy isolated divert(derive) again at the beginning from morning to south, towards NUKUTEPIPI and HEREHERETUE, and to north towards TAKAROA and MANIHI. the risk stormy SE dissipates/dissipate quickly dispite related showers residual. elsewhere this day from friday, sky veiled on the half west of TUAMOTU and large sun from REAO to GAMBIER. S'EN follows a night from friday calm and starry. friday, wind moderate from north at/in north-east between/among HAO, REAO, MANGAREVA and TEMATANGI with of gusts affecting regularly the 60 km/hr. wind from south low towards HEREHERETUE coming at/in the west at night. finally, wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in east-north-east elsewhere. sea slight at/in moderate. swell long from south D'1 meter. she east cross at/in a swell long from north-west D'1 meter. temperatures extreme: north TUAMOTU : 26 and 31 degrees celsius. center TUAMOTU : 27 and 30 degrees celsius. GAMBIER : 24 and 28 degrees celsius. day from saturday 22 february 2025 and night from saturday 22 to sunday 23. saturday,the sun be imposed on the major part of TUAMOTU and GAMBIER. related passages cloudy touching the north-east and east of TUAMOTU with from rare showers. showers or squalls sometimes stormy on the north-west and west of TUAMOTU before the return of cloudy saturday morning. elsewhere from good conditions dominant. on the south of TUAMOTU , wind low at/in moderate from north-west at/in north. elsewhere, wind moderate easterly at/in south-east. gusts, 60/70KM/H underneath squalls. wind moderate at/in locally enough fort from north at/in north-west on the west and the south of TUAMOTU with of gusts affecting 60 at/in 70 kph underneath squalls. elsewhere, wind low at/in moderate from sector east at/in north-east. sea slight at/in moderate. swell from south from 1 meter on the south. swell long from north-west from 1M/1M50 on the north, and 1M, elsewhere. sea slight on the half north TUAMOTU, moderate to south of TUAMOTU. swell long from north-west from 1 meter on the north and swell long from south, 1M, elsewhere. ** MARQUISES ** day from friday 21 february 2025 and night from friday 21 to saturday 22. sky veiled EN day, before the arrival from related showers afterwards-mid on the half north from archipelago. these latest linger/dwell/are lingering at the beginning before from if evacuate. wind moderate easterly-south-east with of gusts at/in 50 km/hr. sea slight. swell long from north-west D'1 meter. temperatures extreme: MARQUISES north : 23 and 32 degrees celsius. MARQUISES south: 23 and 32 degrees celsius. day from saturday 22 february 2025 and night from saturday 22 to sunday 23. saturday, numerous passages cloudy giving of showers or of squalls isolated becoming more scattered at night. the sky SE charge more and of passages showers or from squalls isolated are expected. wind moderate from sector east, gusts, 60/70 km/hr, underneath squalls. wind moderate from sector east, gusts at/in 60/70 km/hr underneath squalls. sea moderate. swell long from north-west from 1M/1M50. sea slight. swell long from north-west, D'1M/1M50, and from south D'1M. ** AUSTRALES ** day from friday 21 february 2025 and night from friday 21 to saturday 22. sky charge friday on the he is from north, the fault/misconduct at/in from numerous clouds altitude. related showers SE trigger from RURUTU at/in RIMATARA. to contrast/conversely, from beautiful cloudy percent from side from RAPA. the night next, the showers gain(win) EN frequency/rate from RURUTU at/in RIMATARA before from PROGRESSER towards TUBUAI EN end from night. RAIVAVAE and RAPA remain EN margin underneath a sky little cloudy. wind moderate from sector north dominant on the he is from north and from sector south on RAPA. friday, sea moderate. swell short from north-west and swell long from south D'1 meter 50 each. the sea rest moderate the night next on a swell short from north-west and a swell long from south D'1 meter each. temperatures extreme: north AUSTRALES : 26 and 29 degrees celsius. RAPA : 25 and 29 degrees celsius. day from saturday 22 february 2025 and night from saturday 22 to sunday 23. saturday, time rainy sometimes clad from squalls stormy touching RIMATARA and RURUTU. sky sometimes veiled towards TUBUAI, RAIVAVAE and RAPA. in the night who follows, the rain and squalls continue/continued to water(spray) these he is and overflow saturday after-mid towards TUBUAI. to RAPA, the sky east veiled. of showers isolated remain possible current/during from day from saturday. wind variable from TUBUAI at/in RAIVAVAE. wind from north-west at/in north low at/in moderate on RIMATARA and RURUTU. gusts at/in 60 kph, underneath squalls. to RAPA, wind moderate from south-east. wind variable, low at/in moderate from sector north dominant. saturday, it fired to sector south between/among TUBUAI and RAPA. sea moderate. swell from north-west, 1M/1M50, on the north, and 1M towards RAPA cross at/in a swell short from north-east, 1M50. **** bulletin from the forecast for the next days **** ** forecasts ÉTABLIES by/through weather report-france the friday 21 february 2025 to 05H local. ** ** valid at/in go from sunday 23 february 2025 ** ** islands underneath the wind ** sunday 23 february 2025 sunday, sky little cloudy, sometimes veiled. from rare showers can SE produce at night on the RAROMATAI. wind low at/in moderate from sector east. sea moderate. swell long from north-west from 1M/1M50, cross at/in a swell west, from 1M/1M50 also. monday 24 february 2025 monday, the sun rest at/in honor. wind moderate easterly. sea slight. swell long from north-west from 1M, cross at/in a swell west, from 1M. ** TAHITI and MOOREA ** sunday 23 february 2025 sunday, time sunny, sometimes veiled, with of clouds orthographic EN mid-day. risk low of gale (f8) thunder on the relief. wind moderate from sector east. sea slight. swell long from north-west from 1M, cross at/in a swell west, from 1M also. monday 24 february 2025 monday, the sun continues this, with the usual/regular/normal clouds from relief EN mid-day. wind low at/in moderate easterly. sea slight. swell long from north-west from 1M, cross at/in a swell west, from 1M also. ** TUAMOTU and GAMBIER ** sunday 23 february 2025 sunday, of clouds holders showers and from squalls stormy circulate on the north-west and center north of TUAMOTU, or the center TUAMOTU at night. elsewhere, the sky east little at/in temporarily cloudy. wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in south-east. gusts, 60 at/in 70KM/H underneath squalls. sea slight at/in locally moderate. swell from south from 1M to south of archipelagos/archipelagic/archipelagoes. swell long from north-west from 1M to north, with the arrival a swell short easterly from 1M/1M50. monday 24 february 2025 monday, of showers or squalls stormy can SE produce EN morning on the north-east of TUAMOTU and the extreme center north of TUAMOTU afterwards mid. elsewhere, the sun predominates. wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in south-east. gusts, 60 at/in 70KM/H underneath squalls. sea slight. swell from south and west from 1M on the half south of TUAMOTU and the GAMBIER. swell long from north-west from 1M to north, cross at/in a swell short easterly from 1M. squalls stormy on the north of TUAMOTU. gusts, 60 at/in 70KM/H underneath squalls. ** MARQUISES ** sunday 23 february 2025 sunday, from frequent passages cloudy, with of showers and squalls isolated sometimes stormy. wind moderate easterly, gusts, 60 at/in 70 kph, underneath squalls. sea moderate. swell long from north-west from 1M, cross at/in a swell easterly from 1M/1M50. monday 24 february 2025 monday, the sky east cloudy at/in very cloudy. of showers or squalls isolated sometimes stormy can SE produce, more frequent at night. wind moderate from north-east, gusts, 60/70 kph, underneath squalls. sea moderate becoming slight. swell long from north-west lower to meter, cross at/in a swell short easterly from 1M. risk stormy. gusts 60 at/in 70 kph underneath squalls. ** AUSTRALES ** sunday 23 february 2025 sunday, time grey, with related showers possible towards RURUTU and TUBUAI, especially at/in RAPA. return of cloudy EN end from evening. wind variable low. sea moderate. swell from north-west, 1M/1M50. monday 24 february 2025 monday, the sky east partially/partly cloudy on the he is from north, while that in RAPA, it east congested and accompanied sometimes from related showers or squalls isolated. wind variable low, taking a component north low at/in moderate. to RAPA, the wind east moderate from north at/in north-west, with of gusts may give the 70 at/in 80 kph underneath squalls. sea slight. swell from north-west, 1M. squalls isolated towards RAPA. gusts may give the 70 at/in 80 kph underneath squalls towards RAPA. 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