Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.

You can find tomorrow's overview text here: https://meteo.pf/fr/demain

**** bulletin weather report polynesia FRANÇAISE ****
**** bulletin from the forecast short deadline ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the monday 20 january 2025 at/in 05H local. **
** forecasts by/through archipelago/archipelagic valid until tuesday 21 january 2025 to evening and night next **

** islands underneath the wind **
the beginning from week looks calm underneath a time dry and sunny.
wind moderate easterly-north-east dominant.
sea slight at/in moderate. swell long from north-west D'1 meter cross at/in a swell short from north-east D'1 meter at/in 1 meter 50.
day from monday S'ÉCOULANT underneath the glance of sun DOMINATEUR. all just man related clouds are coming SE POSER on the relief before the middle from day. after a night starry, the day from tuesday passes by from new underneath a frank/franc/honest sun.
wind low at/in moderate easterly at/in east-north-east.
temperatures extreme planned : 23 and 31 degrees celsius.
sea slight. ascendancy a swell long from north-west D'1 meter.
monday and tuesday, the sun rest member of the majority party of TUAMOTU to GAMBIER. related passages cloudy holders showers SE grow to south, between/among HEREHERETUE, NUKUTEPIPI and TEMATANGI. they can sometimes come along of thunderstorm. tuesday, from short prolonged or heavy showers are coming water TAKAROA and AHE EN day.
on the half north of TUAMOTU : wind from sector east moderate at/in locally enough fort monday with of gusts at/in 60 km/hr. it weakened slightly tuesday.
on the half south of TUAMOTU until GAMBIER : wind moderate easterly at/in east-north-east.
on the half north of TUAMOTU : sea moderate by/through a swell short easterly-north-east D'1 meter 50 cross at/in a swell long from north-west D'1 meter.
from the half south TUAMOTU to GAMBIER : sea slight. small HOULES long from south-west and from north-west subordinates to meter.
a time dry and sunny predominates on archipelago from monday at/in tuesday.
wind easterly moderate at/in locally enough fort by/through effects/effect CÔTIERS. gusts 60/70 km/hr. it weakened slightly tuesday.
sea moderate on a sea from wind from sector east D'1 meter 50 at/in 2 meters. swell long from north-west D'1 meter.
the day from monday begin underneath a time variable : dispite the cloudy, of episodes showers stormy SE grow sometimes on archipelago this morning. afterwards-mid, the risk stormy goes away from RIMATARA, RURUTU and TUBUAI. to contrast/conversely, showers and thunderstorms remain from getting from RAIVAVAE at/in RAPA.
tuesday, the improvement SE confirmed/confirm/confirming on the whole from north AUSTRALES, with a sky all to more veiled. from side from RAPA, the showers persistent, but with a risk stormy EN back.
wind low at/in moderate from north at/in north-west. gusts at/in 60 km/hr underneath squalls.
sea slight. swell long from north-west D'1 meter and gentle (f3) swell from south-west lower to meter.
**** bulletin from the forecast for the next days  ****
** forecasts ÉTABLIES the sunday 19 january 2025 at/in 15H local. **
** forecasts for the next days valid from wednesday 22 january to friday 24 january 2025 **
** islands underneath the wind **
from wednesday at/in friday, the conditions sunny dominant.
wind low at/in moderate easterly.
sea slight. no swell meaningful.
from wednesday at/in friday, the time continues sunny. related clouds swell on the relief at/in the mid-day, then Y unleash related rare prolonged or heavy showers.
wind low at/in moderate easterly.
sea slight. no swell meaningful.
wednesday and thursday, the sun predominates. related showers isolated if invite also by/through ic by/through the. friday, the time east good dry on the 2 archipelagos/archipelagic/archipelagoes.
wind low at/in moderate easterly.
sea moderate. no swell meaningful.
from wednesday at/in friday, a time sunny predominates. it east slightly disturbed friday, with related small showers.
wind low at/in moderate easterly.
sea moderate. no swell meaningful.
from wednesday at/in friday, the sky east veiled to north from archipelago. to RAPA, it east rather congested and is accompanied from small rain.
wind variable low.
sea smooth at/in slight. no swell meaningful.

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