Words in UPPER CASE are original French. Words in lower case are all translated.
You can find the original Marine Forecast here: https://meteo.pf/fr/marine?carte=mar
** DESCRIPTION general from the situation. ** 06/03/2025 at/in 12:00 UTC. air stream of trade wind easterly at/in north-east, low at/in locally moderate, on the major part from region. it east disturbed and stormy on the half east of TUAMOTU, and on the north southern. ** area A35 , east MARQUISES / UA HUKA - HIVA OA ** sector east, 05/10KT. gusts 30KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. risk stormy. ** area A40 , west MARQUISES / EIAO - NUKU HIVA ** sector east, 05/10KT. gusts 30KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. risk stormy. ** area B35 , north-east TUAMOTU / PUKA PUKA ** sector east, 10/15KT, gusts, 30/35KT, underneath squalls. sea slight at/in locally moderate. showers or squalls stormy isolated. ** area B40 , north TUAMOTU / NAPUKA - TAKAROA ** sector east 10KT. gusts 30/35KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. showers and squalls stormy isolated. ** area B45 , north-west TUAMOTU / MANIHI - TIKEHAU ** north-east at/in east, 05/10KT, gusts underneath squalls, 25/30KT. sea slight. showers or squalls isolated. ** area C35 , east TUAMOTU / VAHITAHI - REAO - NUKUTAVAKE ** sector east, 10/15KT. gusts, 30/35KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. showers and squalls stormy isolated. ** area C40 , center TUAMOTU / RAROIA - HAO - KATIU ** sector east, 10KT. gusts, 30/35KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. showers or squalls stormy isolated. ** area C45 , TAHITI - west TUAMOTU / TAHITI - FAKARAVA - ANAA ** north-east at/in east, 10KT. sea slight. rare showers. ** area C50 , islands underneath the wind / MAIAO - HUAHINE - RAIATEA - MAUPITI ** north-east at/in east, 05/10KT, gusts, 25/30KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. showers or squalls isolated to south with a risk stormy. ** area D30 , GAMBIER / MANGAREVA - TEMOE ** east, 10KT. gusts underneath squalls, 30KT. sea slight see moderate to south from the area. swell from south-west, 1M50, on the south from the area. showers or squalls stormy isolated on the extreme south-west from the area. ** area D35 , south-east TUAMOTU / MARUTEA - TUREIA - FANGATAUFA ** sector east, 10KT, gusts underneath squalls, 30KT. sea slight, or moderate to south from the area. swell from south-west, 1M50, on the south from the area. showers or squalls stormy isolated on the extreme south-east from the area. ** area D40 , south TUAMOTU / TEMATANGI - ANUANURARO - NUKUTEPIPI ** east 10KT, gusts underneath squalls, 30KT. sea moderate becoming slight. swell from south south-west, from 1M50, weakening. showers or squalls stormy isolated. ** area D45 , east AUSTRALES / RAIVAVAE - TUBUAI ** east at/in north-east, 10KT, gusts, 30KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. showers or squalls stormy isolated on the north from the area. ** area D50 , west AUSTRALES / RURUTU - RIMATARA - MARIA ** north at/in north-east, 10KT, gusts, 35KT, underneath squalls. sea slight. showers and squalls stormy isolated. ** area E35 , east RAPA / MAROTIRI ** variable, 05KT, gusts, 30KT, underneath squalls. sea moderate, by/through the swell. swell from south south-west, 1M50/2M, weakening, at/in 1M50. showers or squalls isolated. risk stormy. ** area E40 , RAPA / MAROTIRI - RAPA ** on the half north area, east at/in south-east, 05/10KT. gusts, 30KT, underneath squalls. elsewhere, sector east at/in south-east, 15/20KT, gusts, 35KT. sea moderate to south. swell from south-west, combined at/in the sea from wind, giving of trough from 2M. showers or squalls isolated at/in the east from the area. risk stormy. ** area E45 , west RAPA ** on the half north from the area, east at/in north-east, 10KT. elsewhere, sector east at/in south-east, 15/20KT, gusts, 35KT. sea moderate. swell from south-west, combined at/in the sea from wind, giving of trough from 1M50/2M. Broken English provided for free by Eric from http://svsarana.com Contact me through my website if you locate severe errors. Please include the section of original text for debugging.